The middle and high school students participated the Keystone AEA Physics Competition. The physics events included toothpick bridge, catapult, mousetrap car, and soda straw arm.
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Walch
Family Literacy Night
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Walch
Family Literacy Night
Another great turnout for night number 2 of "Freaky Friday." You have one more chance to see this great musical performance Sunday afternoon at 3:00.
almost 6 years ago, Trevor Hunt
Central students are kicking off the Spring Musical “Freaky Friday” tonight. We have shows on Saturday at 7:30 PM and Sunday at 3:00 PM (right after the parade). See you there!
almost 6 years ago, Aaron Reinhart
Seven Central students and middle school students from 11 other districts participated in a STEAM day at Keystone AEA on Friday, March 15th. Students worked together as a team to investigate evidence from the crime scene. They learned about different types of fingerprints, used microscopes to examine hair, fiber, and glass, and used measurements to determine foot size. After collecting data and analyzing the evidence the students were successful proving the guilty party.
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Walch
Solving a STEAM mystery at AEA
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Walch
Swim Team Registration Inforamtion
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Walch
The CCS trip this month was to the bakery! They learned how to air brush cookies with Jamie Reimer and they also cut out and decorated other cookies with Chris Reimer.
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Walch
Still loving the snow!
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Walch
An 8th grade student from Central Community School has been notified by the National Geographic Society that she is one of the semifinalists eligible to compete in the 2019 National Geographic GeoBee Iowa State Competition. The contest will be held at University of Northern Iowa Maucker Union Ballroom in Cedar Falls on Friday, March 29, 2019.
almost 6 years ago, Deb Walz
Congratulations to 4 Central students on being featured at the Quigley Gallery at Clarke University Regional High School Art Show!
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Walch
Final results are in from State Individual Speech. 11 events, 11 Division 1 ratings! Each event has 3 judges meaning Central’s 11 events had 33 total judge scores. 30 of those 33 judge scores were 1’s. Well done!
almost 6 years ago, Aaron Reinhart
Mr. Douglas and Mrs. Yanda left Forest City at 4:00 and made it back to Central at 8:15. Stay safe, Warriors. Spring is almost here!
almost 6 years ago, Aaron Reinhart
State Individual Speech results: The first nine events all earned a 1 rating! We are waiting on the results from the final two events. Another great performance from Central Fine Arts!
almost 6 years ago, Aaron Reinhart
Awesome seeing the many Central parents helping with the youth basketball camp, it takes a community!
almost 6 years ago, Mr. Trenkamp
Mark your calendar for Freaky Friday! Three opportunities to see Central students in this fabulous spring musical!
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Walch
We planned Parent-Teacher Conferences this Spring from the perspective of being “efficient and effective.” The MS/HS teachers are working to have 10 minute conversations and we have 9 groups/individuals in the Commons with additional information for families to benefit from. See you from 2:30-7:00 tonight!
almost 6 years ago, Aaron Reinhart
Central will dismiss today at 2:00 PM and no school tomorrow because of parent teacher conferences.
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Walch
Honor Band season has come to an end. The past 3 months, these Central band students have been preparing and performing in various honor bands across the state. Congratulations to them all!
almost 6 years ago, Larissa Wilming
Savannah Orr & Ayden Schutte at Young Musician Honor Band
Gracie Cummer, Caitlyn Druecker, & Rebecca Suhr at NEIBA Honor Band
Wartburg Honor Band: Maddi Buckman, Olivia Backes, Karl Gardner, & Sam McGreal
Makayla Erickson, Lexi Loan, Alyson Feickert, Staci Herman, & Olivia White at Tri-State Honor Band
Fun for everyone!
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Walch